Your Soul is Wintering is a quietly brave, achingly beautiful and insightful, articulate expression of the grief, loss and recovery process of baby loss. Weaving in inspirational quotes from the likes of Oprah Winfrey and Auschwitz survivor, Edith Eger, it is an intelligent, uplifting and beautifully written memoir. Annie writes an unflinching exploration into the heart of grief making this book a precious gift for anyone who has experienced loss of any kind. Your Soul is Wintering is destined to become essential reading for anyone seeking to find their joy again, whatever their story.

What they say
““Am I brave enough to allow strangers into some of the toughest of our struggles to date, to be so exposed? However, you are no stranger. I may not know you personally, but you are a friend of the hard things.” As I read these words for the first time, I knew I was holding something special. While Your Soul is Wintering is Annie’s very personal story, it is one that will resonate with anyone who has found themselves swept away by grief then struggled to keep their head above water. While this book is tremendously brave and deeply affecting, it is also beautifully written. In its pages, you’ll find solace, advice and – most importantly of all – hope.”
“This is a book that will be really comforting for those who have been through the painful process of miscarriage. Annie has a lovely way with words, you can really feel her level of care for those in pain.”
“While clearly an invaluable resource for those who have navigated the rough terrain of baby loss; this is also a book for anyone who has faced adversity and is struggling to find their joy once more. Your Soul is Wintering is a beautifully written and raw yet uplifting journey through the dark shadows of grief and back out into the sunshine. Annie Anderson offers us a very precious gift with this book.”
“If there is one thing I have learnt from my own journey with loss, it is the importance of honouring your grief in order to heal. Annie has beautifully written through her experience and in turn has added her voice to an ever growing conversation that needs to be had. Her writing will help inspire and heal.”
“I genuinely feel this is a special book with the ability to help a lot of people.
“Because grief is a form or expression for the love we feel for the person we have lost, it is not something we get through but rather walk with. As the love we have endures time and transcends the distance between this world and the next. Love knows no bounds”
Both heartbreaking and uplifting, Annie has beautifully captured the humanity of loss and grief. It is a resoundingly courageous book as she does not hold back on sharing the realities of her own grief journey, which she calls a “harsh season”. As a reader it feels the author is a friend, confidant and supporter; you feel you truly know her on finishing the book.
Anyone that has experienced loss, or are close to one that has, will get a lot from this short but poignant book. It will offer solace and vindication for the harsh season but also great hope for the spring to come. Don’t hesitate to grab a copy of this!”
“An honest, vulnerable and oh so beautiful account of Annie’s walk with love, loss and grief.
Mingled in are some wonderful insights about hope in the hardest of times, the things we can control and how to better walk with those things we can’t.
This will be a great tool to have in my toolbox for navigating my own ‘winters’ as well as for when I’m trying my best to support others navigating theirs.
I can tell this book has been written by an author with a deep-seated love and compassion for people coupled with a genuine desire to help others find hope.
‘Grief only exists because love did first’ – I love this!
Thank you Annie Anderson.”
“A book that bravely and beautifully documents one of life's hardest seasons.
Annie invites us to share in her journey as "a friend of the hard things." Through raw inspiration and tangible examples, Your Soul is Wintering provides hope to those traversing the depths of grief that they too can find their way back to shore.”